Tuesday, January 27, 2009

By: Craig Elementary ECO- Force President, Macie
About every week, at our meetings, we have four centers. One of them is called "Juice Pouch Brigade" What we do there, is, everyday we have kids bring in their empty juice pouches. After one of our moms brings the bin in on Tuesday, we first have to empy them, take out the straw, clean them, and bundle them into groups of 50. SO far we have saved 4,000 pouches from going to waste!

If you have any comments, please post, I would love to hear your say on what our group is doing!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

"Stop the leaking!" a message from Brookwood Eco-Force's President

I'm Kelly Costello from Brookwood Elementary Eco -Force club (I'm the President!) and I'm blogging about a leaky faucet in our science lab. The club and I have collected about 3 quarts maybe more. It's bad because our school is wasting so much water a day! Our club is trying really hard to collect the water from the sink and use it to water plants on our playground.

If you have any comments on what I'm saying please post them! I would love to hear your opinions on the topic.

Friday, January 2, 2009

The Earth-If We Act Now We Can Reverse the Problems

An Essay By Aradhita, 12 Years Old
Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India

"Soon Mother Earth will turn lifeless and bare, the future it writes - there isn't one there !"
It may be too shocking to be the truth, but it is true that at this pace mankind is destroying our beloved planet, and there might be no future neither for her, nor for us as inhabitants of this planet. It is high time that we realize the damage we have done to poor Mother Earth, as there is very little time and a lot left to do. Why doesn't everyone realize that we are indebted to Mother Earth for her kindness to us since the human evolution?We are not helpless. If we want, we can do a lot. We can be generous for a change!

We can reuse and recycle many objects. Joining and forming environment clubs is yet another solution. Schools can also organize awareness campaigns, as in the end, it is awareness at all levels that will help improve the situation. A Chinese proverb also says - "If you are thinking one year ahead, sow a seed; if you are thinking ten years ahead, plant a tree; and if you are thinking a hundred years ahead, educate the people." Education of the environment is also really important, thus, we should try and watch videos and read about the topics.Thus, there is still hope. With efforts of each one of us, we will not only be able to arrest the decay, but reverse it as well.

It will be our way of giving back to Mother Earth what earlier generations have depleted.